IP address change
The IP address of the server is changing over the next few days. There should only be a brief downtime at some point during the switch over with only a short interruption to services.
Downtime this evening
[19:15] This work has been completed. There will be some downtime this evening (evening UK time that is) to switch the server over to a new power supply.
Connection throttling implemented
What this means is that if the server sees a lot of new connections from an IP address it will not ignore any further connections for five minutes I’ve had to implement this as the server has received a lot of failed connections from clients which are old and not compatible. Rather than failing they Read More …
Register & account options now available
Updated web pages to enable people to register accounts, change settings and retrieve an account with a forgotten password are now available again. This is updated code which should size better on non-desktop devices as to allow people to register on their mobile devices. Currently the ‘delete account’ option is not working but there are Read More …
Service upgrade finished
The service upgrade has finished. The server is now working as expected as far as I can tell. If you are experiencing problems please click on the post title to read more.